Ferdinand Zecca-搜索结果

  • 金甲虫 Le Scarabée d'or

    类型:短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Segundo de Chomón, Ferdinand Zecca   编剧:


      A conjurer with white beard and turban moves about in front of a building with an elaborate facade. He spies a golden beetle, about the size of a human infant, leaning against the wall. He snatches it up, conjures a fire, and tosses the beetle in. It escapes the fire in the form of a fairy, her six wings beating as she rises above the flames. The fairy, to the conjurer's conste...

  • 转生 Métempsycose

    类型:短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Ferdinand Zecca, Segundo de Chomón   编剧:塞冈多·德·乔蒙


      The special effects pioneer Segundo de Chomón reinterprets for the camera a famous stage illusion that featured a metamorphosis from one object (or person) into another. Here a statue turns into a butterfly fairy who performs a number of dazzling costume transformations that are a feast for the eyes.

  • 阳台景色 Ce que je vois de mon sixième

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Ferdinand Zecca   编剧:


      费迪南德·泽卡(Ferdinand Zecca)早期的窥视表演电影以一种谦虚的方式为观众提供了一些挑逗性的内容。值得注意的是,他使用圆形哑光来框住他的观察结果。

  • 犯罪故事 Histoire d'un crime

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Ferdinand Zecca   编剧:


      The cell of a man condemned to death. He's sleeping and dreaming about the past that brought him to prison: a frantic pace of living, bad friendships, alcoholism, the murder of a bank-employer. At the end he dreams of climbing up scaffolding, and he suddenly wakes up... Written by Adalberto Fornario
      Duration of Projection, eight minute...

  • 警察与狗 La course des sergents de ville

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Ferdinand Zecca   编剧:André Heuzé


      A squat, muscular dog steals a leg of lamb or mutton from a butcher shop, and the local constabulary, armed with truncheons, gives chase. Man's best friend, keeping a firm-jowled grip on the meat, leads the town's finest down streets, across boulevards, through a cellar and up the side of the building to a steep roof, then down again, and to his doghouse. The cops gingerly surr...